2024 Spellademic

This year's Spellademic was a great fun day filled with lots of smiles and team spirit. BPS are so proud of the way our students conducted themselves, they introduced themselves to other competitors, interacted, made friends, and played fun games during breaks. They displayed beautiful manners, encouragement, a positive attitude and mindset, resilience and determination.   

It was a tough competition with 9 schools participating and a few having two teams. 

We had 2 teams representing Bridgetown for both the Year 3/4 & 5/6 competition. 

There were 4 rounds for spelling with words in groups of Animalia, Mathematics, Description and Homophones; 2 rounds of matching words to definitions; and 2 fun prize rounds in between. 

 For the Year 3/4 competition, Pemberton came 1st on 39 points and Bridgetown Team 2 came 2nd after 2 tie breaker words with East Manjimup on 38 points – just 1 point difference. The tie breaker words were mozzarella which both teams spelled incorrectly and then we won spelling synchronise correctly.  Bridgetown Team 1 came 5th on 34 points so it was such a close score! 

For the year 5/6 competition, it was very tough!  East Manjimup 2 was the clear leader the whole way through finishing 1st on 41 points. East Manjimup 1 finished 2nd place on 37 points and Bridgetown Team 1 came 3rd after 2 tie breaker words with Pemberton on 34 points. The tie breaker words were knurled which both teams spelled incorrectly and then we won spelling nuance correctly. Bridgetown Team 2 came 7th. 

We are so lucky to have such a well-run and organised competition. Thank you also to the parents who came along to support.