Bridgetown Primary School was formerly established on 1st February 1870 and the school moved to its current site in 1914. Our buildings are a mix of historic and contemporary which blend together to provide a diverse learning environment. Bridgetown Primary became an Independent Public School in 2015 in recognition of our capacity and responsibility to make decisions to best support educational outcomes for our students.
Unique expansive School Grounds & Natural Bushland
Our school is homed on a very large10.2 acre (4.14 ha) property. Students have the opportunity to learn and play everyday in a distinctive bushland setting. Playground activities involve designing and cubby building, forts and tree climbing to create spaces of their desire.
We have four large playground areas to explore. Our Kindy, Pre-Primary, Junior and Senior students have contemporary playgrounds of their own to explore. Students have been involved in selecting playgrounds and equipment that suit their interests and needs.
Academic Excellence
Our educators are at the forefront of evidence-based educational practices.
Our Early Childhood program follows the Early Years Learning Framework and a combination of a play based learning approach and explicit teaching instruction to develop early literacy principles.
Our school wide pedagogical approaches are based on the Education Department 'Teaching for Impact' framework. This is a combination of high impact teaching strategies and the Science of Learning.